Category Archives: Linux

Installing RT4 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server

Install Request Tracker

Since covering an install of Request Tracker 4 on Debian (Part 1/2, 2/2), my most common request has been a guide for Ubuntu. A lot of the material is the same, since Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian.

This guide assumes you are installing a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server onto a new computer or virtual machine. I have chosen the latest LTS release as it will be supported for far longer than regular releases. These instruction should also work on any version of Ubuntu released after 11.10 (minor changes may be required).

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Installing Request Tracker 4 on Debian (2/2)

Continued from Part 1/2

Previously we covered installing Debian and configuring some basics. This time we dig into installing Request Tracker 4 and making it work.

Install Required Packages

Edit your APT sources file:

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Installing Request Tracker 4 on Debian (1/2)

Previously I talked about why you need a ticketing system, this post (and the next) will cover installing Request Tracker 4 on Debian 7 using packages.

Install Request Tracker

This guide assumes you are installing a fresh install of Debian 7 onto a new computer (or virtual machine). I strongly recommend using 1GB+ of memory. Feel free to change settings to suit your environment and use your favorite text editor (vi, emacs, butterflies etc) instead of nano.

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